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Errata for the Knitting for Olive book

On yarn and sustainability

p. 26

In this section we write that mulesing is done without any pain relief prior to the procedure. 
We have learned that this is not 100 % correct, as some farmers in Australia do give pain relief to their lambs when practising mulesing.

Colour Rain Sweater

p. 62
Just before ‘Work cuff’

Pattern should read:

Work 6[7:8:8] rounds.

Next Round (dec): *K2tog, k2tog, k1, repeat from * to last 1[3:0:2] sts,

knit to end of round. 22[24:24:26] sts.

Chunky Rib Sweater

 p. 96

Pattern should read:

Work short-row shaping

Row 1: *Work sts as they appear to next marker, m1R kwise, slip marker to RH needle (…)

Row 2: Work 1 turning st, work sts as they appear to centre back marker working new sts made on previous row as purl sts, *work sts as they appear to next marker, m1R pwise, slip marker to RH needle, work next 10 sts as they appear, slip marker to RH needle, m1L pwise, rep from * once more, k2, turn.

Row 3: Work 1 turning st, work sts as they appear to centre back marker working new sts made on previous row as knit sts.

Waffle Sweater

p. 116
Instructions for chart key is missing, it should read:

Charles Grey Cardigan

p. 141

Row 1 on ‘Neck (left side)’ is a WS

Row 1 under ‘Work neck with short-row shaping’ is a WS

p. 142
Neck (right side)

Pattern reads:
With RS facing, join on new working yarns
Row 1 (RS): Pick up 9 sts of cast-on edge of left back neck, p2, *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1

Pattern should read:
With RS facing, join on new working yarns and pick up 9 sts of cast-on edge of left back neck
Row 1 (WS): P2, *k1, p1, rep from * to last st, k1

p. 143
Decrease section is missing before “Work shoulder with short-row shaping”

Right shoulder should read:
Cast on 25[27:29:31:33:35] sts after last st on RH needle.
34[36:38:40:42:44] sts
Next Row: K25[27:29:31:33:35], pm, work rem sts as they appear to end of row
Next Row: Work sts as they appear to end of row

Work neck with decreases

Row 1 (RS): Work to 3 sts before marker, sl1 kwise, k1, psso, k1, slip marker, work rem sts as they appear to end of row

Row 2: Work sts as they appear to end of row

Rep. Rows 1 - 2 twice more
31[33:35:37:39:41] sts.

Next row: Work sts as they appear to end of row

Work shoulder with short-row shaping (…)

p. 143
Work a further 3[5:5:5:7:7:7] rows, work sts as they appear and working 1 turning st on first row pwise

p. 144
After picking up the last 1[2:3:4:5] sts across cast-on sts at bottom edge of armhole, the pattern should read: “place BOR marker"

p. 144
After row 13 and before “Work Hem” a section is missing. After row 13, pattern should read:
"Work back and forth in st st over all back sts, until back, from pick up row by armhole edge, measures approx. 18[19:19:20:20:20] cm, ending with a WS row. 


Join fronts and back as follows: 

Beginning with left front where yarn is still attached, work sts as they appear to marker, sm, k1, M1L, k to end of row

Cast on 2[4:6:8:10:12] new sts

K back sts to end of row, cast on 2[4:6:8:10:12] new sts

Working right front, work sts as they appear to 1 st before marker, M1R, k1, sm, work sts as they appear to end of row = 151[163:175:187:199:211] sts

Work back and forth working sts as they appear until work measures 74[77:80:83:86:86] cm from armhole edge, ending with a RS row

Work hem (…)

p. 145

On decrease round for sleeves the pattern reads:
Next round (dec): K1, (k2tog) to last 3 sts, sl1 kwise, k1, psso, k1

Pattern should read:
Next round (dec): K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, sl1 kwise, k1, psso, k1

p. 146

On Row 1 of Belt, pattern reads:
Row 1: P1, *k1, p1, rep from * to last 3 sts, k1, p2.

Pattern should read:
Row 1: P2, *k1, p1, rep from * to last 3 sts, k1, p2.

Fennel Sweater

p. 154

Work V-neck and armhole increases

Pattern should read:

Row 5: K1, m1R pwise, work sts as they appear to next marker, m1R pwise, slip marker to RH needle, work sts as they appear to end of row.

It’s Not A Sweatshirt

p. 163

Pattern should read (end sentence on row 3):

...rep from * to *, knit to 2 sts after turning st on previous row, turn.

p. 165

Pattern should read:

Round 2 (dec): *K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, sl1 kwise, k1, psso, k1.
Cont working in rounds in st st without shaping for a further 17[12:8:8:7:6:4:3] rounds.

Rep Round 2 followed by 17[12:8:8:7:6:4:3] rounds of st st a further of 5[7:10:11:12:15:18:22] times.


Fennel Sweater

p. 153

On first two rows of right shoulder, indications of RS/WS have been mixed up.
Pattern should read:  

Right shoulder

Next row (RS): K1, *k4, p4, rep from * 2[2:3:3] times, pm, work rem sts as they appear to end of row.

Work neck with short-row shaping

Row 1 (WS): Work sts as they appear to marker, slip marker to RH needle, work next 7[7:10:10] sts as they appear, turn.

Nature Lace Sweater

p. 189

Work Rows 1-20 of Chart C, working the 10-st patt repeat 7 [7, 9, 9] times.

Work Rows 1-16 of Chart C, working the 10-st patt repeat 7 [7, 9, 9] times. 


Join shoulders

Next Row (RS): Work Row 21 of Chart E across 38[38:48] sts of right shoulder, cast on 15 sts on RH needle, work Row 21 of Chart D (…)

Work Rows 1-20 of Chart F, working the 10-st patt repeat 7 [7, 9, 9] times.

Work Rows 1-8 of Chart F, working the 10-st patt repeat 7 [7, 9, 9] times.

Puff Tee

p. 233

Pattern reads:

Shape neck and work raglan increases
Row 1: K3, m1L kwise, (k4, m1L kwise) 4 times, k2, m1R kwise, pm, k11[11:11:11:11:11:13:13], pm, m1L kwise, k2, turn.

 Pattern should read:

Shape neck and work raglan increases
Row 1: K3, m1L kwise, (k4, m1L kwise) 3 times, k2, m1R kwise, pm, k11[11:11:11:11:11:13:13], pm, m1L kwise, k2, turn.


Pattern should read:

Work decreases for sleeves

Round 1: *Knit to 2 sts before next marker, k2tog, rep from * to end of round.

Repeat Round 1 two more times = 67 [69:73:78:82:89:96:102] sts.

Aviaya Sweater

p. 224


Pattern should read:

Next row (inc): K1, m1L kwise, p1, *k1 below, p1, rep from * to last st, m1R kwise, k1 91[91:95:95:99:99:101:105] sts